Saturday, August 10, 2024





Apolytikion. Plagal of the Fourth Tone.

Priest:  Blessed is our God always, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

If a priest isn’t present:  In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

Glory to Thee O Our God, glory to Thee.

From Pascha through the Apodosis of Pascha, "Heavenly King..."and the "Trisagion" are NOT read but rather Christ is risen from the dead...3x

O Heavenly King, the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, Who art everywhere present and fillest all things, the Treasury of good gifts and the Giver of life: come and abide in us, and cleanse us of all impurity, and save our souls, O Good One.  Amen. 

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (x 3)

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages  Amen.

All-Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, be gracious unto our sins; Master, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy Name’s sake.

Lord, have mercy; Lord, have mercy; Lord, have mercy

Glory to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, both now and ever and unto the ages of ages  Amen.

Our Father, which art in the heavens, hallowed be Thy Name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven; give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

For thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit both now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen

Lord have mercy 12x

Glory to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, both now and ever and unto the ages of ages Amen.

O come and let us worship and fall down before Christ our God
O come and let us worship and fall down before Christ our King and our God
O come and let us worship and fall down before Christ Himself our King and our God

Coming to the knowledge of that which was commanded in secret, the bodiless Angel hastened to stand before the dwelling of Joseph, saying to her who knew not wedlock: He Who bowed down the Heavens by His descent is contained wholly in thee without change. Beholding Him in thy womb, taking the form of a servant, I marvel, crying unto thee: Rejoice, unwedded Bride.

Kontakion. Plagal of the Fourth Tone.

To thee, O Guardian Leader, do I, thy City, ascribe hymns of victory and thanksgiving, having been delivered from perils, O Theotokos; but as thou hast dominion invincible, do thou free me from dangers of every kind, that I might cry to thee: Rejoice, unwedded Bride.

Rejoice, unwedded Bride.

 An Angel, first in rank, was sent from Heaven to say to the Theotokos: Rejoice (3x).

Most Holy Theotokos Save Us (3x) 

And beholding Thee, O Lord, assuming bodily form, he stood marveling, and with his bodiless voice cried unto her such things as these:

Rejoice, thou through whom joy shall shine forth; rejoice, thou through whom the curse shall vanish.

Rejoice, Restoration of fallen Adam; rejoice, Redemption of the tears of Eve.

Rejoice, Height hard to scale for human thoughts; rejoice, Depth hard to fathom, even for the eyes of Angels.

Rejoice, thou that art the Throne of the King; rejoice, thou who holdest the Upholder of all.

Rejoice, Star showing forth the Sun; rejoice, Womb of the Divine Incarnation.

Rejoice, thou through whom the created world is made new; rejoice, thou through whom the Creator was born a babe.

Rejoice, unwedded Bride.

Being aware of her own innocence, the Holy one said boldly to Gabriel: The strangeness of thine utterance striketh my soul as hard to accept; indeed, how speakest thou of birth from a seedless conception? And she cried:


Craving to know knowledge unknown, the Virgin cried to the ministering Angel: From chaste loins, how is it possible for a Son to be born? Tell thou me. Then he spake to her in fear, nonetheless crying thus:

Rejoice, Initiate of the inexpressible counsel; rejoice, surety of things that beg silence.

Rejoice, Prelude to the miracles of Christ; rejoice, Summation of His teachings.

Rejoice, heavenly Ladder by which God came down; rejoice, Bridge conveying those of earth unto Heaven.

Rejoice, much-proclaimed Marvel of Angels; rejoice, much-bewailed Wound of demons.

Rejoice, thou who ineffably gavest birth to the Light; rejoice, thou who didst disclose to none the mode thereof.

Rejoice, thou who surpassest the knowledge of the wise; rejoice, thou who makest light to dawn upon the minds of the Faithful.

Rejoice, unwedded Bride.

Divine power of the Most High then overshadowed unto conception her who knew not wedlock and showed her fruitful womb as a pleasing field to all those who desire to reap salvation, whilst chanting:


Enfolding God in her womb, the Virgin ran to Elizabeth, and her unborn babe, at once recognising the embrace of the Mother of God, rejoiced and with leaps of joy as songs, cried to the Theotokos:

Rejoice, Vine bearing the unfading Shoot; rejoice, Land yielding the unspoiled Fruit.

Rejoice, thou who tendest the Yeoman Who loveth mankind; rejoice, thou who engenderest the Tender of our life.

Rejoice, Tilled land sprouting forth a rich harvest of tender mercies; rejoice, Table laden with an abundance of lenities.

Rejoice, for thou causest the Meadow of Delight to blossom anew; rejoice, for thou preparest a Harbor for souls.

Rejoice, acceptable Incense of intercession; rejoice, Reconciliation for the whole world.

Rejoice, Goodwill of God to mortals; rejoice, Bold Access of mortals to God.

Rejoice, unwedded Bride.

Feeling within himself a tempest of doubtful thoughts, the prudent Joseph was troubled, seeing thee unwed, and he suspected an illicit union, O Blameless one; but learning of thy conception from the Holy Spirit, he said:


Gladly did the Angels hymn Christ’s Advent in the flesh; hearing this, the shepherds, running as to a Shepherd, beheld Him Who grazed in Mary’s womb as a blameless Lamb, and her they hymned, saying:

Rejoice, Mother of the Lamb and Shepherd; rejoice, Fold of the rational sheep.

Rejoice, Defense against invisible foes; rejoice, thou Who openest the portals of Paradise.

Rejoice, for the things of Heaven rejoice with the earth; rejoice, for the things of earth join chorus with the Heavens.

Rejoice, never-silent Mouth of the Apostles; rejoice, invincible Courage of victorious Athletes.

Rejoice, steadfast Bulwark of the Faith; rejoice, radiant Emblem of Grace.

Rejoice, thou through whom Hades was laid bare; rejoice, thou through whom we have been clad with glory.

Rejoice, unwedded Bride.

Having gazed upon the Star that showed the way to God, the Wise Men followed its radiance, holding it as a lantern before them; therewith they went in search of a powerful King, and reaching the Unreachable, they rejoiced and cried to Him: 


In the Virgin’s hands, the sons of the Chaldees saw Him Who with His Hand fashioned man; and recognizing Him as Master, even though He had assumed the form of a servant, they hastened with gifts to do homage and to cry unto her who is blessed:

Rejoice, Mother of the never-setting Star; rejoice, Dawn of the mystic Day.

Rejoice, thou who hast quenched the fiery furnace of deception; rejoice, thou who enlightenest the initiates of the Trinity.

Rejoice, thou who didst expel from power the inhuman tyrant; rejoice, thou who hast shown forth Christ, the Lord Who loveth mankind.

Rejoice, thou who redeemest from heathen religion; rejoice, thou who deliverest from the mire of evil deeds.

Rejoice, thou who hast brought to an end the worship of fire; rejoice, thou who freest us from the flame of passions.

Rejoice, Guide of Prudence for the Faithful; rejoice, Gladness of all generations.

Rejoice, unwedded Bride.

Kingly and God-bearing messengers did the Wise Men become, returning to Babylon; they fulfilled Thy Divine revelation and preached Thee, the Christ, unto all, leaving Herod as a prattler who knew not how to chant: 


 Lightening in Egypt the luminosity of truth, Thou didst cast out the darkness of deception; for, the idols thereof, O Savior, unable to stand up to Thy strength, fell down; and those delivered therefrom cried to the Theotokos:

Rejoice, lifting-up of men; rejoice, downfall of demons.

Rejoice, thou who didst trample upon the delusion of fraud; rejoice, thou who didst check the craft of idols.

Rejoice, Sea which covered with water the spiritual Pharaoh; rejoice, Rock which gave water to those thirsting for Life.

Rejoice, fiery Pillar, guiding those in darkness; rejoice, Protection of the world, more spacious than a cloud.

Rejoice, Sustenance, Heir to Manna; rejoice, Minister of holy delight.

Rejoice, Promised Land; rejoice, thou from whom flow milk and honey.

Rejoice, unwedded Bride.

Marveling at Thine ineffable wisdom when Thou wast presented to him as a Babe, Symeon, who was about to pass from the present age of deception, recognized Thee also as perfect God, and he cried: 


New was the Creation which the Creator showed to those created by Him, when He appeared; springing from a seedless womb, He preserved it incorrupt, as it was, in order that, seeing the miracle, we might cry to her in hymns:

Rejoice, Flower of incorruption; rejoice, Crown of continence.

Rejoice, thou who makest the Type of the Resurrection to shine forth; rejoice, thou who makest manifest the life of the Angels.

Rejoice, Tree of splendid Fruit by which the Faithful are nourished; rejoice, Bough of well-shading leaves by which many are covered.

Rejoice, thou who carriest the Guide of those who have lost their way; rejoice, thou who engenderest the Redeemer of captives.

Rejoice, Adjuration before the Just Judge; rejoice, Forgiveness for the many who err.

Rejoice, Vesture of boldness for the naked; rejoice, Fondness vanquishing every desire.

Rejoice, unwedded Bride.

On beholding the strange childbirth, let us be estranged from the world, diverting our minds to Heaven; indeed, to this end God on High appeared on earth as a lowly man, wishing to draw aloft those who cry to Him: 


Present wholly among those below, and in no wise absent from those above, was the Indescribable Word; for this was a Divine condescension, and not a change of place, and the birth was from a Virgin Divinely-inspired, who heard words like these:

Rejoice, Confine for the unconfinable God; rejoice, Portal of the venerable mystery.

Rejoice, doubtful Tiding for the faithless; rejoice, undoubted Boast of the Faithful.

Rejoice, all-holy Chariot of Him Who rideth upon the Cherubim; rejoice, all-excellent Habitation of Him Who is above the Seraphim.

Rejoice, thou who makest contrary things to agree; rejoice, thou who yokest together Virginity and Childbirth.

Rejoice, thou through whom transgression is brought to naught; rejoice, thou through whom Paradise is opened.

Rejoice, Key to the Kingdom of Christ; rejoice, Hope of eternal good things.

Rejoice, unwedded Bride.

Quandary beset all Angel-kind at the great work of Thine Incarnation; for they beheld as Man, approachable to all, Him Who is, as God, unapproachable, not only living His life together with us, but hearing from all: 


Rhetors of many words do we see mute as fish before thee, O Theotokos; for they are at a loss to say how thou both remainest a Virgin and art able to give birth; but we, marveling at the mystery, cry with faith:

Rejoice, Receptacle of the wisdom of God; rejoice, Repository of His Providence.

Rejoice, thou who showest philosophers unlearned; rejoice, thou who provest logicians illogical.

Rejoice, for the clever disputants have been stupefied; rejoice, for the composers of myths have faded away.

Rejoice, thou who tearest asunder the webs of the Athenians; rejoice, thou who fillest the nets of the Fishermen.

Rejoice, thou who drawest forth from the depth of ignorance; rejoice, thou who enlightenest many with knowledge.

Rejoice, Raft for those wishing to be saved; rejoice, Harbor for those sailing on the sea of life.

Rejoice, unwedded Bride.

Salvation did He Who directeth all things wish to grant unto the world, and He came thereunto as He Himself had promised; and being, as God, a Shepherd, for our sake He appeared like unto us, as a Man; indeed, calling like unto like, as God He heareth:


Thou, O Virgin Theotokos art a wall for virgins and for all those who run to thee; for the Maker of Heaven and earth formed thee, O Immaculate One, and dwelt in thy womb, and taught all to address thee:

Rejoice, Pillar of virginity; rejoice, Gate of salvation.

Rejoice, Initiator of spiritual reformation; rejoice, Endower of Divine goodness.

Rejoice, for thou didst regenerate those ignobly conceived; rejoice, for thou didst bring back to their senses those dispossessed of their spiritual minds.

Rejoice, thou who dost bring to naught the corrupter of minds; rejoice, thou who didst give birth to the Sower of innocence.

Rejoice, Bridal Chamber of a seedless wedlock; rejoice, thou who renderest the Faithful suitable to the Lord.

Rejoice, good Nursing-Mother of virgins; rejoice, Bridal Escort of holy souls.

Rejoice, unwedded Bride.

Unable to prevail is every hymn that striveth to comprehend the multitude of Thy many tender mercies; for if we were to offer unto Thee, O Holy King, odes equal in number to the sands, we will have done nothing worthy of that which Thou hast given unto us, who cry to Thee: 


Verily, as a Light-Bearing Lantern which hath appeared to those in darkness do we behold the Holy Virgin; for she kindleth the Immaterial Light and guideth all to Divine knowledge; and illuminating our minds with the light of dawn, she is honored by these our cries:

Rejoice, Beam of the Spiritual Sun; rejoice, Ray of unwaning brilliance.

Rejoice, Lightning that lighteth up our souls; rejoice, thou who dost, as Thunder, stun our foes.

Rejoice, for thou dost make the refulgent Luminescence to dawn; rejoice, for thou dost cause the superfluent River to gush forth.

Rejoice, thou who portrayest the type of the Font; rejoice, thou who dost wash away the filth of sin.

Rejoice, Laver that washeth the conscience clean; rejoice, Bowl for mixing the wine of rejoicing.

Rejoice, Sweet Scent of the fragrance of Christ; rejoice, Life of mystic feast.

Rejoice, unwedded Bride.

Wishing to bestow Grace, He Who releaseth all men from their ancient debts, came of His own to dwell with those who had gone away from His Grace; and rending asunder the handwriting against them, He thus heareth from all: 


Yea, singing of thy childbirth, we all hymn thee, O Theotokos, as a living temple; for in thy womb dwelt the Lord, Who holdeth all things in His hand, and sanctifying and glorifying it, He taught all to cry to thee:

Rejoice, Tabernacle of God the Word; rejoice, Saint loftier than the Saints.

Rejoice, Ark made golden by the Spirit; rejoice, inexhaustible Treasury of Life.

Rejoice, precious Diadem of pious kings; rejoice, venerable Boast of devout priests.

Rejoice, unshakeable Tower of the Church; rejoice, unassailable Rampart of the Kingdom.

Rejoice, thou through whom trophies are raised on high; rejoice, thou through whom our foes are cast down.

Rejoice, healing of my flesh; rejoice, salvation of my soul.

Rejoice, unwedded Bride.

Zealously-hymned Mother, O thou who didst bear the Word, Holiest of all Holies (3x), 

Most Holy Theotokos Save Us (3x) 

receiving the offering that we now make, deliver us from all calamity and redeem from future chastisement those who cry to thee: 


To thee, O Guardian Leader, do I, thy City, ascribe hymns of victory and thanksgiving, having been delivered from perils, O Theotokos; but as thou hast dominion invincible, do thou free me from dangers of every kind, that I might cry to thee: Rejoice, unwedded Bride.

Rejoice, unwedded Bride.


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