Thursday, November 16, 2023


Need you be reminded that Christ asks for ALL OF YOUR HEART? Are you not aware that He has already freely given you everything this life has to offer? If you can admit that you are feeble and spiritually disfigured, you will wake up from this dream, turn to Him and He will show you infinitely more - even without asking.

Consider this! If our Lord expected us to function on faith alone, would He have become taken on the flesh (a "human being" as we like call ourselves - but among many in the Middle East - "Sons of Adam") to be known by thousands of others? Did He not fast, eat, drink and tire with us? Did He not weep like us? Did He not suffer and die for us, in the same way other sons of Adam have?

His love and miracles tell us that there is far, far more, infinitely more, than the senses can grasp! Don't think for a moment that if, in your heart, you exchange every last bit of your life, every jot and tittle, that you will have lost anything! He is the great Giver. Let's be honest, what do we have to offer Him? Even love came from Him and without limit, so that we could give it to Him and others, without limit. Again, all of your heart means EVERY aspect of your life. In other words, desire nothing but Christ.
Never doubt! When this is accomplished, He will confirm it from within you, that you may not doubt.

Our Divine Trinity, doesn't require your blood but asks that you martyr your association with this transient world - IF - you wish life eternal which is Christ. Make no mistake, its your choice! This is exactly what He offers and again, He makes it clear with an IF because we are free! When Satan whispers praise to convince you that you are satisfied with your struggle with what you have accomplished, reply, with all your being, all your strength, all your will, to the thought saying: Get thee behind me Satan!

Is there no simple way to accomplish total devotion to Christ you may ask? Yes, the simple remembrance of Him! In doing so, all things will be given to you. And if you question your ability to accomplish unceasing remembrance of Christ, never forget....what's not possible with man is possible with God and thus the quote from the holy Athonite father Porphyrios below.

Elder Porphyrios of Athos
O N   T H E   P R A Y E R   O F   J E S U S

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