Wednesday, September 4, 2024


If you believe in the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit as Creator, then do you believe you were taken from the ground?

Genesis 3:19 KJV
In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. 

Continuing in your belief;  how would you describe that which dust is transformed into - dust into flora; dust into fauna; dust into human beings?  Since the number of descriptive words is colossal and even beyond the limit of language, lets allow the word "beautiful" to suffice and move on. 

Believing that the Creator made beautiful human beings, etc.
could the Creator have made them even more beautiful?  

Think About It {Pub.}

God calls dust into existence out of nothing by His will alone.  And then He commands the dust into a form, a man, not with a word or a twinkle, but again, by His will. And then, breathes His own image into him.  

Now think more about it.  Does it make sense that His only means of communicating with us is through the 5 senses?  Even a dog communicates with us by the same senses.  Now consider the scripture (St. Matthew 11:27) used in today's PARAGON logo.  When He says"...and he to whomsoever the Son reveals Him (the Father).  Did you think it would something like:  "I'd like you to meet...."

Now that you have thought about it, do you desire Christ to reveal God the Father to you?  Moses didn't see the Father, with his eyes, yet the Father was revealed to him, was He not?  Moreover, was Christ there in the flesh to reveal Him?  Think about it!

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